People Present at first session: 2T2 (Less than 25 people due to absentees), facilitators, Cheryl, Miss Angela, Mr Cheng and Discipline master
The lesson went well. 2T2 were amazingly compliant. They lined up in twos with their chairs before stepping into the music room. They were quiet when they need to but we could see they were really enjoying themselves with the games and activities. Some kids were enthusiastic (Shake, Eddy, Zan) but some were quiet especially the girls. There were obvious cliques in the class.
First, we set ground rules with them so that everyone is agreeable to those rules, which also applies to us facilitators. Not only we place the rules but the kids get to contribute rules too, which gives them responsibility or rather a stake in Drama class. We dealt with latecoming and calling people names. It is important that we set the rules and standards so that they know what we want. It sets the authority of us over them right from the start. That when things gets ugly, we mean businesss.
Ice Breaker games to introduce and get to know the class better. Played with them Fruit Bowl, clumping. The games were just nice and at a good pace (not rushing). It had just the right amount of intensity and pace. After that, we split into our rehearsal groups (4 groups, but now became 3 due to absentees), where each group will perform three different scripts.
Setting rules
Problems faced:
- Negative environment and mood. It might be a little too suppressed because 7 facilitators were there plus a discipline master and two other teachers. Kids may feel restricted to express themselves because they are 'threatened'. Learning may be limited.
- Eddy was ostracized in class. It is something we need to deal with when it comes to group work. However, we did include Eddy and gave him attention during games.
- Games were good in knowing them but we find that 6 weeks are too short to build rapport with them and get them to be use to us.
- short time to achieve such a big thing.
Aim VS Agenda
We discuss on what is aim and what is agenda. I feel that aim is a bigger achievement, probably at the end of the whole teaching experience in Juying Secondary. While Agenda may be the smaller goal or maybe objective of the day. Agenda has a list of pointers and are based on 'What we want or plan to do's, while Aim is a direction where we are headed to. Agenda helps to give directions to our aim, which is based on our teaching philosophies, beliefs, attitudes, etc.
Dealing with Bullying and the Outcast
Bullying and Outcasting is a big issue for the individual, whether victim or not. The victim may be traumatized by incidences that are hurtful and when the impact gets too heavy, it may become a lifetime scarring. In the bully's point of view, the bully may not feel the afflictions and feel that it is okay to do it. This is where we, as educators and facilitators, step in and stop things from becoming worse. What one needs is empathy and the understanding for one another. There must be a sense of awareness and sensitivity so that understanding, change of attitudes and, most importantly, love can take place. Osterman & Kottkamp (1993) stated that in order 'to achieve this perspective, individuals must come to an understanding of their own behavior; they must develop a conscious awareness of their own actions and effects and the ideas or theories-in-use that shape their action strategies' (pg 2). This comes with reflective practice through experiential learning, where they constantly reflect upon issues that they face.
Osterman & Kottkamp then goes on to explain this experiential learning cycle that is so true and effective in order to learn progressively. The individual must be able to stop, take a few steps back and examine the situation in another person's point of view. After analyzing and identifying the problems, the individual can then take in new ideas or form more effective strategies, thereby reconceptualising ideas and experimenting them again. This attitude of learning is what changes behaviors towards one another.
Another aspect of this learning is to have a positive and open view throughout the process of experiential learning. Being able to give as freely as they receive. Being able to be positive despite things not going the way it is expected to be. Being open to all ideas, beliefs, teachings and concepts. It not only broadens one's perspective, but it also changes our attitude towards things.
This could be achieved in Drama where alot of reflective thinking takes place, new ideas and concepts form, experimentation appears, lives are transform and bonds are build.
Things to Note
1. Sessions with Juying Sec would most likely stretch to 8 weeks or more, up to the performance on 25th Oct, Parents Day. We will NOT have a full day rehearsal on 22nd Oct.
2. After school sessions will begin immediately after class ends at 2.10pm-3.30pm. As there`s the concern that the students may need to have a break for lunch, Thursday group has decided to leave the initiative to the individual small group facilitators to bring their group to the canteen where they can have a quick snack.
3. Wednesday group will start with 2T1 next week with their in-curriculum hours being 10.50-11.55am.
4. Performance at Jurong Regional Library will be on 18th Oct, 7-8pm. Rehearsals will be 3.30-6pm. We need to check about dinner with Angela.
5. Sharing from Thursday group about some issues faced/raised:
a. Language-only English is to be spoken, no MT
b. Students who are singled out & discriminated against
c. Teachers who don`t participate and take pictures
d. To laugh WITH students, not laugh at them
e. Types of games-too high-energy level?
6. Reflective practice and the need for awareness as a facilitator
Osterman, K. & Kottkamp, R. (1993) Reflective Practice for Educators: Improving Schooling Through Professional Development. California: Corwin Press.
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