Thursday, 27 September 2012

Reflection Journal 7 (27/9/12)

Game: Facilitator spots a catcher and describes the catcher. Catcher has to identify himself/herself when he/she thinks it is him/her. The catcher has to catch everyone. Those people caught have to sit on the floor. The purpose of this game was to warm them up in their physical and mental bodies. It also creates self-awareness of what they themselves are wearing and also becoming aware of the people around them as they have to observe what they are wearing. They also learn to listen properly and be sensitive to the people around them and themselves.

Group Dicussion

We realise that there wasn't much time to continue with drama process activities so we went straight into doing our scripts. We did blocking where we decide who should stand where, do what, etc. in each scenarios while we did the whole script. We gave call their names through their roles so that they know which character they are playing. Ahmad then explained to them that if we keep playing games and activities, we can't give a good performance. The students were really understanding and gave their best to be in their character. When we gave them instructions or suggestions for improvements, they really did it! It was great working with these kids who are so understanding.

There is a scene where the villagers are all suppose to be in their homes. How we portray homes may not be elaborate but our positioning and actions are good enough to tell the audience that we are in our own homes. I feel that since it is their first performance, we do not have to be too elaborate for the props because the lesser props used may help them to think by imagining more. We needn't say back to the first position. Once we say 'go back to home position', they immediately went back to the home position. It was amazing how they know the position of being in their 'homes'.

Afternoon session was even better! We changed a little about the positioning. We did demonstrations on some of the scenarios.

Demonstration is a very powerful tool to teach students. It benefits those students who do not understand or who cannot visualize and imagine through their imagination. If we don't do demonstrations, there will be chaos when we just dive into the real activity. A demonstration shows the actions or words or expression that they need to do. Demonstration sets a standard or default that they could follow or imitate. Demonstration is a guideline to how it could be done in the same way or in different ways through a variety of different forms.

Unforeseen circumstances

However, we notice Khairul was not participating so actively compared to the first few weeks. He seemed distracted. Halfway through, I asked if he was okay and he said, 'His parents are going through a divorce.' and he went all teary. I pulled him aside and asked what happened. He told me the whole story. So then I encouraged him to not be distracted from the problem but to study hard now and maintain his position as a chairperson. His mum wanted to leave the house and take Khairul to another school. He did not want to leave his school because he has such great friends and he loved them alot. So I encouraged him and told him that the only thing he can do now as a child is to pray for his family (he is a muslim) and to work hard for his exams (exams are due next week), so that his mum knows how well he is doing in school and may even let him stay in this school.

I felt helpless in his situation and I know he also feels helpless too. It was really saddening that these kids are experiencing these kind of problems and they, as children, have no say. Family problems really affect them mentally and emotionally. They may even see marriage and family in a different way, which is not suppose to be! Sometimes we just want the parents to think more for their children and love their children even more, but we just could not because we are the strangers. We don't have the power. Much less a facilitator compared to a teacher. The teacher could at least have some power to persuade the parents. But I am sure that encouragement and love are what these kids lack and need most. Because love doesn't come from their own kinsmen, they seek love in the wrong places. I believe that whatever encouraging words and comfort words we speak do matter to them. I gave him my fb and no. so that he could contact me if anything happens.

Too authoritative as teachers facilitators as middleman to cope with the students. We are there to help them to grow in areas like emotional aspects and other various aspects.
Good that the teacher notices that I spoke to the person. What if I stop working with them anymore, who does he account to? everything was planned out nicely but some things cropped up and we had limited time to do rehearsals. but it is because of some unexpected stuff like home issues that crop up or school issues that hinder our performance progress.
It's all WIP - Work in Progress.

Attendance issue - say to the students 'You are part of this' instead of 'you must come'. we have to see that they are all part of this process. It's not an attendance thing but instead they have to see that the whole process is a collaboration process. We can't force them to be there when they do not want to be. They don't like authoritative rule to be upon them. Instead, we should encourage them to come by giving them reasons why they should come. For eg, because they have a part to play in this scene, if they do not come, the story will not be complete.

Process is important. Many cases of family abuse and divorce that affected this group of students. It is our duty that we should help these students as much as we can. It is okay to feel for these children They don't have any consistency in life, why should they have consistency in this? They did not ask for this to happen but it is they are affected by the things that happen around them. Drama is where 'the child who uses creative activity as an emotional outlet will gain freedom and flexibility as a result of unnecessary tensions.' (Eisner, as cited in Read & Lowenfeld, 2004, Pg 32) They are liberated in their emotional states as they explore and reflect on their problems. When they face new situations, they can handle them because their emotional beings become stronger. They are able to adjust to new situations because they have grown stronger and their adaptability is stronger.

It is just saddening and unfortunate that these children have to carry the burdens of others on their own shoulders. We need to be compassionate and help them in whatever ways we can.


Eisner, W. (2004) The Arts and the Creation of Mind. New Haven & London: Yale University Press

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